Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Porter Square Wednesday Morning.

this just happened to me today, so i gotta get it out there while it's still fresh in my head. I can't make this shit up.

i did standup last night at the middle east, it was fun. this morning I was getting ready to cross the street at Porter Sq going to get a coffee and I hear a voice from my left and the guy asks "Hey weren't you at the middle east last night?" I said yeah. He showed me his Middle East shirt, he told me he works there and was doing the door for downstairs. I asked him if he heard any of the comics. He said "Yeah, some of them were funny. Some of them weren't. One guy made a joke about jerking off to Brittany Murphy. That was hilarious. And I didn't know that so I went home and looked it up." I was like "That was me!" and he was psyched. I noticed while we were talking that the WALK sign was on but he wasn't crossing the street, I thought maybe because we were standing there talking. Then I didn't have to wonder anymore because he says "I'm waiting for a cop." He shows me his left wrist which was a pair of handcuffs on the one wrist. "My crazy girlfriend locked me up last night and left me there. I picked one of the cuffs with a pin, but I was picking the second one and the pin broke. I didn't want to have one cuff hanging from my wrist so I cuffed it on the same one. So now I'm waiting for a cop so i can explain this to them and ask to unlock me. I've been waiting for 45 minutes" I then introduced myself formally, shook his hand, and went to get that coffee.

1 comment:

  1. I like this story. I wonder who this was, if it was someone I knew. Good story though,

